November 27: Pins and Needles Day

Happy Pins and Needles Day!

This is one of many holidays where the origin has been almost forgotten. The day began as a commemoration of the opening of the musical revue “Pins and Needles.” The play consisted of several comedic pro-labor skits where members of the International Ladies Garment Workers Union (which was striking when it opened) spoofed all sorts of groups. The play was a surprise hit, and the actors eventually quit their day jobs as garment workers in order to run a full schedule of shows from its opening in 1937 to closing night in June 1940.

Today, however, most people view the day as a nod to nervousness, to sewing, or possibly to that weird feeling you get when your foot goes to sleep.

So, whether you’re excited about the garment workers revue “Pins and Needles,” are trying not to poke yourself while you sew or alter clothing, or are actually on pins and needles yourself, make sure to wish everyone you see a happy Pins and Needles Day!

“Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?”

Matthew 6:27

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